The Blog

Commercial Roofing Maintenance

How to best maintain your commercial roof

The best way to extend your commercial roof life is to keep it in good shape. The average roof life is said to be 20 years, according to the experts. Let’s say your building is expected to have a 80 year lifespan. With good maintenance, you will need three roof replacements. But if the life

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Preparing your roof against bushfires

10 Point Checklist for Preparing your Roof Against Bushfires

No one wants to believe that their home could be at risk from a bushfire. Statistic do not lie; however. While it would be hoped that such fears would never be realized, it is important to make sure you are prepared, particularly with more hot and dry weather predicted. One of the most important steps

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The importance of your commercial roof

6 Things a Commercial Roof Needs to Effectively Support the Building

A commercial roof is far more than an attractive top to your businesses building. While many people believe that the most important responsibility of a roof is to keep out the elements, a roof actually provides far more benefits to the entire building. In order to avoid potential disaster in the future, it is important

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Asbestos Mining in Australia

The History of Asbestos in Australia

The term asbestos is actually a generic term that is used to refer to a type of silicate minerals that are naturally occurred. Asbestos is mined and then milled from native rock. Among those most common types of asbestos minerals are amosite, chrysotile, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and anctinolite. Very thin and fibrous, asbestos is also

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Asbestos danger sign

Asbestos | Does the danger still exist?

It is estimated that 1 in 3 Australian homes still contain Asbestos. Unfortunately, the material that was so commonly used throughout the 1980’s is still causing problems to families all across Australia. Now that the billions of dollars of compensation that James Hardies fund has paid out is not headline news there is a consensus

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Identifying Asbestos

Tips for Identifying Asbestos in your home

We hear more and more about asbestos in today’s media and how it can be harmful (or even fatal) to the people that come in contact with it. That being said, if you are living in an older style home, you may be worried that your building contains some form of this harmful material. While

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It Might be Asbestos

Help I think it might be Asbestos!

So you have found some materials that you think could contain asbestos. What should you do now? Follow these steps to ensure that you will not put yourself or others at risk of harm. Stop working! Don’t damage the material Check for asbestos on you Keep others out of the area Put up a sign

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Thermatech Colorbond

Thermatech Colorbond Steel

Slip, slop slap comes the cry of concerned mothers protecting their children from the harsh Australian sun. We all know that nowadays we have one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world due to the extreme temperatures and UV levels experienced by any one venturing into the great outdoors. The fierce Australian Sun

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Make your roof last longer

Six Essential Tips to Make your Roof Last Longer

We all know how important the health of our roof is to the property’s longevity, its occupants and; lets face it; our bank balance. However quite often it can be over looked until a problem arises and forces us to take action. Knowing how to take care and maintain your roof can be part of

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