How Your Roof Can Help the Environment

You might be surprised to find that your choice of roofing material can actually help the environment. Today, homeowners have far more options available when it comes to available roofing materials. One of those options is a metal roof. With a host of colour options available, a metal roof can easily match any home design. In addition to providing lovely aesthetics, a metal roof can also offer numerous environmental advantages.

A metal roof last longer

One of the reasons that a metal roof is so environmentally friendly is the fact that it tends to last longer than a traditional asphalt shingle roof. Since a metal roof lasts longer, there is less need to replace it. Among the primary goals of green building is the ability to create structures that are more sustainable than traditional building methods. A metal roof is an excellent option for meeting this goal thanks to its long lifespan, which can last as long as 50 years.

Also, since a metal roof does not involve individual shingles, repair and maintenance are less of an issue. When installed with quality construction, a metal roof can add to the structure’s longevity while also increasing the property’s overall value.

Lower the buildings energy usage

Metal roofs also help to keep heat out of your home much more efficiently than any other roofing material. With a proper coating, a metal roof can help to reduce the amount of energy required to cool a home quite efficiently. This is possible because a metal roof helps to reflect infrared radiation more than other building materials. In addition, since your home’s HVAC units do not need to run as much in order to keep your home cool, a metal roof can also help to extend the life of your home’s cooling system. This can be particularly important when the temperatures begin to climb in Australia. In fact, some homeowners may be able to realize as much as 20 percent savings on energy costs.

Metal Roofs lack toxic elements

A metal roof is also much safer for the environment. The most popular types of materials used for metal roofs include steel, copper, and aluminium. All of these materials lack the toxic elements that are commonly found in traditional roofing materials, such as asphalt shingles. Along with reducing the amount of potential pollution and waste created from asphalt roofing materials, metal roofs have practically no effect on rainwater as it makes its way down a metal roof.

If a property-owner prefers to collect rainwater, this can prove to be vitally important, as a metal roof provides an improved surface for expelling water. Due to the fact that the water running off a metal roof will be free from toxins, you can rest assured that it will remain clean.

Metal roofs are recyclable

Metal roofs are also completely recyclable, a benefit that is vitally important for sustainable building. This helps to reduce the amount of material that could potentially make its way into an overflowing landfill.

Along with paving the way for a better environment, a metal roof also provides property-owners with the opportunity to save money.

Thanks so reading,
R.O. Steel Roofing
(02) 9660 5937