
Seven Ten Split Bowling | Project Information


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Seven Ten Split Bowling


22 Railway Parade, Fairfield NSW 2165


2,700 m²

Project Description:

Asbestos Strip and Re-Roof

R.O. Steel Roofing undertook the removal of asbestos sheeting and installed Metlok roof sheeting, Custom Orb cladding, parapet capping, down-pipes, sumps, insulation, box gutter and eaves gutters at one of Sydney’s premier bowling centre’s located within the heart of Fairfield.

Many of our clients are now finding that insurance agencies are refusing to renew their insurance policies on any buildings that currently have asbestos roofs. This is due to the huge liability costs that are associated with any asbestos contained onsite.

R.O Steel Roofing was tasked with a hard deadline by our client in order to expedite works in order to fulfil their obligations to their insurer as well as to ensure the minimum disruption to local families who enjoy and visit this Ten Pin Bowling Centre frequently.

Co-operating with local council and our client, R.O Steel Roofing was able to complete 2,700m2 of asbestos strip and re-roofing works at a fast speed whilst still keeping up with our high standard of workmanship. This allowed to centre to reopen with minimum disruption to the immense satisfaction of our client and all parties involved.

Seven Ten Split Bowling now operates with new modern look to the satisfaction of our client and all their existing and new patrons.